
"DA LIGHT" is a powerful and evocative track that takes listeners on a journey through a celestial narrative rooted in ancient spiritual themes. The song tells the story of a son of God, one of the many celestial beings who existed before time itself. As a devoted worshipper of the Most High, this being witnesses the pivotal and dramatic moment when Lucifer, once a revered angel, begins his descent into darkness.

The track captures the intensity and emotion of this cosmic event, portraying the internal and external conflict as Lucifer's pride and rebellion lead to his fall from grace. Through masterful production and a dynamic fusion of dubstep, hip-hop, and R&B, "DA LIGHT" brings this heavenly story to life, offering a unique perspective on the eternal battle between light and darkness.

"DA LIGHT" is more than just a song; it is an auditory experience that reflects on the themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness. As an eyewitness to this celestial confrontation, the narrator shares this ancient tale with younger heavenly creatives, reminding them of the power of light and the consequences of turning away from it. The track serves as both a cautionary tale and an anthem of hope, inspiring listeners to remain steadfast in their purpose and true to their divine calling.